Candidate A is your favorite, but you are told
that you must vote for a worse candidate B because your vote
for candidate A would help the worst candidate C.
The current voting system punishes you for voting honestly.
Do you like two out of five candidates equally? The current ballot does not let you
express your opinion. The result? Politicians with unpopular agendas are elected.
Do you want democracy? Demand a simple, purely mathematical solution:
approval voting,
or better the more general
score voting
aka range voting,
or even better its variation called
STAR voting.
Any one of these is
than ranked-choice voting aka IRV.
Much better.
Do not
advocate for ranked-choice, it's a distraction.
have a better democracy. We need to keep up.
Score voting is more important than the electoral college.
It is more important than gerrymandering. The country is not polarized;
it uses a corrupt voting system. Spread the word. Discuss and demand.
Will the politicians allow score voting?
This is not a mathematical question.
I am a Professor at UIUC Math Dept.
My mathematical interests include subjects related to
geometric group theory, in particular,
- hyperbolic groups, metric geometry, flows, CAT(0) and CAT(-1) spaces,
- the zero-divisor conjecture, the Kaplansky conjectures,
the Atiyah problem; various types of (co)homology of groups,
- the Hanna Neumann conjecture and submultiplicativity,
- geometric and topological rigidity, conformal structures, geometric analysis,
- machine learning, artificial intelligence, image recognition,
- 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, relative hyperbolicity,
- the Novikov conjecture, the Baum-Connes conjecture,
- and many other incoherent things...
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Links and comments on
things related to geometric group theory. (Hint: pretty much anything
is related.)
is an IML
project I started running in Spring 2024 and continue in Fall 2024.
Play the first level (kindergarten-level) of our fun "ColorTaiko!" game.
Without any explanation, can you figure out how to play it?
Here is more information.
The game is secretly related to several long-standing open problems about group algebras called Kaplansky conjectures.
article explains the relation between the Kaplansky conjectures and this game.
We will keep improving the game, so come again and play it again.
My grant application to the Topology program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Fall 2023 asking for support for this game, for the research it is based on, and for the people involved in the project, was expressly NOT supported by NSF. This preliminary version of the game that you see here was created by our heroic efforts
in spite of NSF's refusal to support that proposal.
is another IML
project that I start running in Spring 2025. It's goal is to engage the general public into learning, in a fun geometric way, Nielsen's algorithm coming from geometric group theory.
The video orange-and-blue SPACE FISH and SPACE CLOCK.
Make it full-screen and watch from the beginning to the end. When you finish your meditative journey, the highest mathematical truth might descend upon you. (Use Safari or Chrome. Firefox does not seem to work on this.)
Do you recognize the function in this video? (Hint: It was introduced in 1859.
And no, it was not in Darwin's "The origin of species".)
Teaching in Fall 2024:
Teaching in Spring 2025: