The Illinois Group on Groups, Geometry, and Other Related Subjects (IG3OR'S)
This is a group around geometric group theory, unfunded and partially disorganized. Students read papers, work on projects, present talks, etc. Professors drink water and try to keep up. All that creates an exhilarating mathematical experience. Sometimes these are formally arranged as a reading course or individual study, and sometimes just as informal regular meetings. Officially, these are meetings between Igor Mineyev and the students presenting a topic at the time, but if you want to come and listen, ask the presenters, and if they don't mind, then come.
Director: Igor Mineyev
Spring 2024:
IML project continues. (Try to play the game!)
Professor: Igor Mineyev.
Graduate mentors: Jihong Cai, Zishen Qu.
Undergraduate students: Maxwell Liu, Shrut Patel, Ila Petrovic, Wenchang Qi.
- Weekly meeting on Zoom in Fall 2024 with
Xianhao An, Jihong Cai and Leslie Hu on problems in topology.
- More to come.
Spring 2024:
- Weekly meeting on Zoom in Spring 2024.
Xianhao An, Jihong Cai and Leslie Hu (undergraduate)
will read and present several
by Akio Kawauchi that claim to have solved several long-standing open problems
in topology/geometric group theory. Feel free to read the articles as well
and try to find mistakes, if any.
We meet on Tuesdays at 9.30 am.
- I am running the IML (Illinois Mathematics Lab) project called "ColorTaiko!".
The project is an outcome of my paper
The topology and geometry of units and zero-divisors: origami
(available on my math page)
and a joint computational project with Manisha Garg and Haizi Yu.
In the IML "ColorTaiko!" project, we are writing a fun computer game
to popularize Kaplansky conjectures to the general public.
The graduate mentors are Aziz Bouland and Manisha Garg.
The undergraduate participants are
Enson Gai, Aditya Kshirsagar, Kevin Liu, Anvitha Manepalli, Jeongjae Park, Aditya Ved.
2023- 2024: more to appear.
Fall 2022:
- Weekly online meetings with Manisha Garg (graduate) and Haizi Yu
on group rings, group algebras and computations.
- Biweekly online meetings with Soumya Das Gupta (undergraduate in Kolkata)
on persistent homology, problems related to analytic number theory,
problems in geometric group theory, etc.
Past activity:
- Summer 2022: Weekly online meetings with Manisha Garg (graduate) and Haizi Yu
on group rings and group algebras.
- Part of Summer 2022: Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on theoretical machine learning.
- Summer 2022: Monthly online meetings with Soumya Das Gupta (undergraduate in Kolkata)
on multivariable calculus, problems in geometry etc.
on group rings and group algebras.
- Spring 2022: Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on theoretical machine learning.
- Spring 2022: Weekly online meetings with Manisha Garg (graduate) and Haizi Yu
on group rings and group algebras.
- Spring 2022: Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on theoretical machine learning.
- Spring 2022: Monthly online meetings with Soumya Das Gupta (undergraduate in Kolkata)
on multivariable calculus, problems in geometry etc.
- Fall 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on machine learning, image recognition etc.
- Fall 2021:
Several meetings with Raghavendra Bhat (undergraduate)
on topics related to algebraic and analytic number theory.
- Fall 2021. Weekly online meetings with Lecheng Su (master's).
Knot theory, geometric group theory, cubical complexes, 3-dimensional topology.
- Fall 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Manisha Garg (graduate) and Haizi Yu
on group rings and group algebras.
- Summer 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Manisha Garg (graduate) and Haizi Yu
on group rings and group algebras.
- Summer 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Raghavendra Bhat (undergraduate)
on topics related to algebraic and analytic number theory,
analysis, L-functions, Dirichlet characters etc.
- Spring 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Ali Guo (undergraduate), Lecheng Su (master's),
Josh Utley (undergraduate). Reading course on knot theory, geometric group theory,
cubical complexes, 3-dimensional topology.
- Spring 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Raghavendra Bhat (undergraduate)
and Manisha Garg (graduate) on topics related to algebraic and analytic number theory,
analysis, zeta functions, Dirichlet characters etc.
- Spring 2021:
Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on machine learning, image recognition etc.
- Fall 2020. Undergraduate students Raghavendra Bhat, Olushola Soyoye, Ted Townsend.
Meeting online fortnightly, various additional topics for the real analysis class (Math 447).
- Fall 2020. Weekly online meetings with Ali Guo (undergraduate), Lecheng Su (master's),
Josh Utley (undergraduate). Reading course on knot theory, geometric group theory,
cubical complexes, 3-dimensional topology.
- Fall 2020. Weekly online meetings with Haizi Yu on machine learning, image recognition etc.
- Summer 2020. Reading course with Lecheng Su (master's) on 3-dimensional manifolds, cubical complexes, geometric group theory.
- Spring 2020. Mondays. Xuzhi (Carl) Tang (undergraduate). Asymptotic cones,
almost nonnegatively curved manifolds, etc.
- Spring 2020. Fridays. Jiaqi Qin (Noame) (undergraduate). A project on questions in algebra, group rings, zero-divisors, etc.
- Spring 2020. Fridays. Haizi Yu (postdoc), computations in group theory for music, artificial intelligence, etc.
- Fall 2019. Weekly meetings with Haizi Yu (postdoc), computations in group theory for music, artificial intelligence, etc.
- Fall 2019. Weekly meetings with Xuzhi (Carl) Tang. Asymptotic cones,
almost nonnegatively curved manifolds, etc.
- Summer 2019. Nathan and Steven, meeting twice a week. Homological algebra, topology, ...
- Summer 2019. Weekly meetings with Haizi Yu, computations in group theory for music and artificial intelligence, etc.
- Spring 2019. Weekly meetings with Xingkai Wang and Xuzhi (Carl) Tang.
- Spring 2019? Weekly meetings with Muthana Alshaikhmubarak
on logical foundations of planar geometry.
- Fall 2018. Weekly meetings with undergraduate students Xingkai Wang and Xuzhi (Carl) Tang.
Reading and study of topics related to topology/group theory. Various notions of dimension of topological spaces, asymptotic dimension. Mondays, 3pm (will be changed to 4pm),
usually room 225 in Illini Hall.
- Fall 2018. Weekly meeting with four students from my class 447 Real variables.
Aaron Havens, Sara Kohts, Navjot Singh, Tianning Xu.
Extra reading/presentations on topics in analysis/functional analysis/applications.
Wednesdays at 5pm, usually room 225 in Illini Hall.
- Fall 2018. Weekly meetings with Haizi Yu, continued. Solving problems, writing papers.
Fridays at 3pm for now (will be changed to 4pm).
- Summer 2018. Weekly meetings with Haizi Yu, continued. Discussions and writing papers.
- Spring 2018. Weekly meetings with Haizi Yu (computer science graduate). Interesting relations among music, computer science and math.
- Fall 2017. Weekly meetings with Advith Govindarjan (undergraduate) on topics in geometric group theory: acylindrically hyperbolic actions,
group presentations, Rips' construction of small cancellation groups, etc.
- Summer 2017. Weekly meetings with Quang Dao and Advith Govindarjan (undergraduate) on homological methods in group theory.
- Summer 2017. An informal reading course with Kejia Zhu (Master's).
- Spring 2017. A reading course with Quang Dao and Advith Govindarjan (undergraduate).
Homological algebra (modules, functors, spectral sequences, ...).
- Spring 2017 and before. Xiaolong Han (graduate).
Several semesters of reading courses on various topics within geometric group theory.
- Spring 2017. A reading course with Bo Wu (undergraduate). Introduction to geometic group theory.
- Spring 2017 and before. Kejia Zhu (Master's thesis). Several years of reading courses and informal regular meetings. Group theory, L^2-cohomology, etc.
- Fall 2016. A reading course with Heejoung Kim (graduate) on right-angled Artin groups, isomorphism classification, etc.
- Other activities that occurred before this website was created.
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