Class time and place: MWF 3.00pm-3.50pm, in Altgeld Hall, room 145.
- Please note the room change! We will be in this room starting from Monday, January 27, 2025.
Professor: Igor Mineyev. Email is not very efficient for discussions.
Please talk to me before/during/after classes and come to office hours.
The best way to contact. My email is mineyev at illinois edu, but I have a slight disability that makes it hard for me to type, and generally to deal with email. Vocal real-time communication is much more preferred and very much appreciated. Please talk to me before/during/after the class and during the office hours. Face-to-face communication (virtual or otherwise) is also much more efficient for discussing things. I would appreciate if you use it as much as possible rather than communicate by email. I am very happy to discuss any kind of math, or any other things that you are interested in. Math is the only possible meaning of life. And fun too. Take initiative, talk to me about it. Any suggestions are also welcome.
Grading policy. Homework will be posted here. Grades will be based 70% on homework and 30% on one project that students will do in randomly selected groups and present closer the end of the semester.
More information will appear here as we proceed.