This is the main website for this course. More information might be posted on this website as we proceed, so please consult this website for the newest information at any time.

Math 535 General topology, Fall 2024.

Class time and place: MWF 3.00pm-3.50pm, 336 Davenport Hall.
Professor: Igor Mineyev, 243 Illini Hall. Email is not very efficient for discussions. Please talk to me before/during/after classes and come to office hours.
Office hours: for now are tentatively scheduled for Monday and Wednesday at 5:00pm-6:00pm on Zoom to make it after the classes. This way you can ask questions before the homework is due on Fridays. The meeting number and password is given in class. Please come close to the beginning of the hour, so that we can discuss things together with other students. In those rare situations when you need to talk to me privately, let me know during our Zoom meeting or before, then call me after the meeting is finished.
Textbook: James Munkres, Topology, second edition. For additional material, feel free to look at Algebraic topology by Hatcher (freely available online).

The best way to contact. My email is mineyev at illinois edu, but I have a slight disability that makes it hard for me to type, and generally to deal with email. Vocal real-time communication is much more preferred and very much appreciated. Please talk to me before/during/after the class and during the office hours. Face-to-face communication (virtual or otherwise) is also much more efficient for discussing things. I would appreciate if you use it as much as possible rather than communicate by email. I am very happy to discuss any kind of math, or any other things that you are interested in. Math is the only possible meaning of life. And fun too. Take initiative, talk to me about it. Any suggestions are also welcome.

Topics and homework. Homework will appear here. If a newer version does not show up, restart your browser. We will roughly follow Part 1 of the textbook, plus an introduction to functional analysis and algebraic topology.
Please submit your homework handwritten on Canvas. This is a good practice for exams.
Here are links to the study explaining how handwriting is good for you: handwriting1, handwriting2.

Exams and grades. Do not miss the exams. There will be two midterm exams on Friday, October 4, 2024, and Friday, November 15, 2024, at the regular time. The final exam will be at 7:00pm-10:00pm, Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, in the regular classroom, as stated in the Final Exam Schedule.
To see your current score for the class, log in to Canvas.

Grading policy and attendance. Homework 40%, two midterm exams together 30%, final exam 30%. The students are expected to attend the class most of the time. Missing one or two classes for some substantial reasons is understandable, but missing too many and with no strong reason can negatively affect your grade for the class. Look at the current total grade for class to estimate your current letter grade: A-,A,A+ are between 90 and 100, B-,B,B+ are between 80 and 90, C-,C,C+ are between 70 and 80, D-,D,D+ are between 60 and 70. One lowest homework assignment will be dropped at the end of the course to allow for emergency situations.

Various links related to topology, geometric group theory, and mathematics in general.